Christian Fellowship Church of the Philippines, January 2016 News Update
“I will exalt you, my God, the King, I will praise your Name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom!” Psalm 145:1, 3.
Praise the Lord for this new year He has given to us to serve Him! May He be continually exalted in all His people! We are praising Him for the many wonderful things He has done in the past year and we’re expecting more blessings this year. The churches are doing good here, growing and expanding. Every month they have fellowship meetings with nice results of encouragement and revival!
The Christian Fellowship Churches had their thanksgiving services in December and these were times of blessing and revival, as well as wonderful fellowship! I was privileged to attend several of these services. Some of these churches were in mountain areas. One mountain church where I spoke was in Mahanlud, a far village several kilometers from the highway, and only accessible by vehicles that could make it up the rough road. We were blessed to be able to ride an old World War II Willy’s jeep up the mountain! The old Willy’s was still very strong and very reliable! It was unforgettable! The fellowship with the church there was so special and the people so warm and welcoming!
I also spoke in other churches along the coast or interior, but not mountainous. One church had an unfinished cement block building located right in the middle of a sugarcane field! What a joy it was to be there with the sweet people of God! Wherever we went, our churches were overflowing and full of joy.
A special time for me was to minister in our church in San Carlos City on the northern tip of Negros Island. This little church was opened many years ago after one of our crusades there. Now the congregation has a nice concrete building and have recently expanded one side of the building to accommodate more people. They have also recently put a beautiful fence around the church lot. This San Carlos church is mostly comprised of young people! What joy and enthusiasm they have in worshiping and serving God! It was a joy to see so many youth with such fervor and revival! Praise the Lord!
Thank you for your prayers for the work of the Lord here in Negros. May God give you more rewards for everything you do for Him! Have a great year ahead!
I attach photos of the church in San Carlos City and the revival we had there.
God bless you!
Sis June Pacleb
“Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matt. 28: 18-20.
What a wonderful command we have received from the Lord Jesus Himself, that we should GO and make disciples in His Name and teach them His Words! This Great Commission is for every believer! We have been commanded, commissioned and sent out! We do not need any further instructions. Every believer is to be a missionary, a soul winner! What a privilege this is! Let us “speed the Gospel” on its way!
I always encourage our pastors and young people to be have an evangelistic and soul winning focus! Our seven Bible school students will be going out to the field as interns this next month, March. They will all be handling churches and will also be pioneering new churches. Most of them will be working in rural and mountainous areas. They need determination to do the work ahead. We are excited about the good future they will have in the ministry. Please pray for them as they go out! Thank you so much!
We will be enrolling a new group of Bible students by this coming June. Please pray for the Lord to call many young men and women to be pastors! The field is white unto harvest!
We will be having our annual youth convention here on April 18-21 and we are excited for all the good things the Lord is going to do. We pray for the move of the Holy Spirit in the youth! The theme of the convention is “Revival”! Please pray for this convention, as well.
The Lord bless and keep you always! We love you in the Lord!
Sis June Pacleb
Bro Mike,
We have trained 150 pastors since the beginning. Now we have 93 pastors with current credentials. We have 80 established churches at present. The range covers Negros Island and Siquijor Island in the Central Philippines; and Mindanao Island in the Southern Philippines.
Thank you for your prayers!
Sis June
“Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His Word by the signs that accompanied it!” Mark 16:20
Greetings in the Name of our Lord! He has commissioned us long ago before He left this world, and told us to go and preach His Word! So this is our job! We are so excited about what the Lord is doing for His people and for the good reports we hear from the churches!
All over Negros Island the Fellowship churches are growing and expanding, and some are opening new daughter churches. I attach some photos of a new construction in the mountain village of Lapay, in the mountains of southern Negros. This construction just started the second week of March with the layout of the building and putting up of the coconut posts. The building will be made of lumber. It will have a pastoral house for the pastor and his family at the back of the church. We are excited about this new church! The members are donating their time to work on the construction. The building will have a tin roof made of galvanized iron sheets. Please pray for this need!
I’m also enclosing pictures of the Bible school graduates at their farewell service on March 17! The seven graduates will be working in local Christian Fellowship churches from northern Negros Island to southern Negros Island! They are so excited about their new work! Please pray for them and for revival in all our churches!
The last picture is of our church in Larena on Siquijor Island. This is a big church and has a great congregation with many young people!
We will be holding our annual Youth Convention on April 18-22 here in Dumaguete City, and we look forward to a good attendance of youth and a great time in the Lord! The theme of our convention is “Revival”!
Thank you for all your prayers and support for the work here! God bless you!
Sis June Pacleb
“Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his Name; proclaim his salvation day after day.” Psalm 96:1,2
We had a wonderful Christian Fellowship Church Youth Convention here on April 18-22 with the theme: Revival! The church was full and overflowing with around 500 youth and their pastors! The pastors gave powerful messages from God’s Word in each service! It was a glorious time of sweet fellowship in the Lord and the powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us! Everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit as the Lord moved in the services! Many were baptized in the Spirit and spoke in tongues, and many also felt a call of God to the ministry! We know that the Lord is calling these young people to be pastors! It was truly an exciting and wonderful time for everyone! We experienced revival and now the revival continues in the churches!
The third night of our convention was the commencement exercises of the Christian Fellowship School of Ministry and we graduated seven young men into the ministry! They had successfully completed their academic courses and one full year of internship working in local churches.
We are looking forward to another great convention with our pastors next month and then a new enrollment in the Bible school by the first week of June. Please pray with us that God will call many young people to the ministry. They will be our pastors of tomorrow!
Again, thank you for your prayers and for being a part of our work here! God bless you!
Sis June Pacleb
“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation!” Psalm 95:1
It is a joy to serve God and continually feel His blessing and abiding Presence! God is so good, all the time! We are happy to greet you and share more victories that the Lord is doing here in the Philippines.
We had our annual Christian Fellowship Pastors’ Convention here in Dumaguete City on May 16-19. It was a good time of refreshing and blessing with our local pastors giving wonderful anointed messages from the Word! The attendance was very good with many of our pastors coming from far places, Eastern Negros and Western Negros and the provinces of Zamboanga del Norte and Zamboanga del Sur in Mindanao Island. We were so happy to see our dear pastors again and it was great to hear their news of God’s blessing in their ministries. Some of them have been with our Fellowship for 35 years! They are hard-working and faithful pastors, pioneering and holding good, strong churches! Thank God for them!
Our new Bible school interns were also present, and shared victories in their new ministries. We are so proud of them!
The Christian Fellowship School of Ministry will have the enrollment for the new school year on June 4 and classes will begin June 6!
I attach a photo of the seven graduates who marched at the Commencement Exercises on April 20! They have finished their internship and now they are holding churches!
I also attach photos of the youth convention with the nice revival we had! The Lord is continuing this revival!
As you may know, on May 9 the Philippines had its national election. Thank God for a safe and peaceful election. Davao Mayor Rodrigo Duterte was elected the new president! May God use him to do many good things for our nation!
Thank you for all your prayers and faithful support. God bless you more!
In the Love of the Lord,
Sis June Pacleb
“After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was taken up into heaven and He sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed His Word by the signs that accompanied it.” Mark 16:19, 20
Praise the Lord that after two thousand years, He is still speaking, the disciples are still going out and preaching and the Lord is still working with them, confirming His Word! It’s so wonderful to be used by the Lord to do His works and proclaim Him as Lord! We’re so thankful for the many Filipino pastors who are doing such a fine work in their pastoral and evangelistic ministries.
We continue to hear reports of the strong move of the Lord in different places, with revival breaking out and churches growing. That is all we ask from the Lord!
I attach a few pictures of our new church construction in the village of Emporium (meaning “market”), in the far mountains of northeastern Negros Island. The congregation there has been existing for many years. Now their former old building became dilapidated, so they are building a new church. It is a very steep and isolated place, but is accessible by four-wheel drive vehicles. Some motorcycles are able to reach the village, but some the road is dangerous for them. The construction of the new church began recently with the laying of the foundation and putting up the posts and beam. All the materials have to be trucked in from the town far down on the coast. Even water has to be hauled in from a spring source, carrying it on a motorcycle in water cans! Please pray for the completion of this church building with pastoral house. A newly graduated pastor from our Bible school is assigned there and is doing a great job!
The Bible school opened this June 6 for the new school year 2016-17. Thank God for the young men and women God called to study here in the School of Ministry. Upon finishing their academic studies, they’ll be pastors out in the field!
Thank you for your prayers for all the ongoing ministries. You are a part of what God is doing here! God bless you!
Yours in Christ,
Sis June Pacleb
Hello, everyone. I just want to be sure you have heard–my husband Benito Pacleb passed away into the arms of Jesus on Tuesday, August 9, here at home with me beside his bed. His passing was so peaceful and quiet. It was just leaving this world and entering the next, to be with the Lord forever. He has run the race, kept the course, and surely has achieved many rewards for his lifelong labors. He was a crusade evangelist, a pastor, Bible teacher, church planter and an inspiration to many in the ministry. In 1970 Benito and I co-founded the Christian Fellowship Church of the Philippines and we have established many churches. For everything God has done, we give Him glory!
“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your Name, O Most High! To proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.” Psalm 92:1,2
Greetings in the Name of the Lord. As always, it is a joy to serve the Lord and we trust you are blessed as we are. We have our district fellowship meetings each month in our north, south, east and west districts! The Lord is blessing these meetings; the pastors are encouraged and revived and the congregations, too! Each month a different church hosts the fellowship. I was blessed to attend the Lodgoron, Ayungon, fellowship about two hours drive up the coast. This little village church is situated along the highway, but up on a cliff overlooking the road! We had a wonderful revival there! Everyone came forward for prayer after the message, and the Lord met us there! Afterward, we all enjoyed a nice potluck lunch, which the members brought. The pastor and his wife there have three teenage children! They have outreaches far from the church and they have always been going there, just walking over the boulders. I was so blessed to give them a good motorcycle, so they no longer have to walk! Praise the Lord! I am attaching pictures.
As you may know, Pastor Benito Pacleb, my husband, passed on to his heavenly reward on August 9. After a lingering illness, he passed away here in our home and I was at his bedside. He so peacefully left this life and entered to the next life prepared by the Lord. He had a lifetime of very fruitful ministry in evangelism and church planting. Thank you so much, everyone, for your prayers, love gifts, and words of comfort. They meant so much to me. Our three sons who live in Houston, Texas, were here to attend the vigil and burial. Now we continue all the ministries with God’s great blessings!
God bless you more abundantly in the love of the Lord!
Sis June Pacleb
“Your ways, O God, are holy. What god is so great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples!” Psalm 76:13, 14.
Greetings in the Name of our Lord, our Great and Holy God! What a privilege it is to serve Him! We are so blessed and we pray you are, too.
We see continual growth among the churches, as established churches are strengthened and new daughter churches are opened! We are always inspired to win souls and disciple them in serving the Lord. Our senior pastors are doing well and the newly graduated pastors and interns from the Bible school are also doing great. I enjoy visiting the branch churches during their fellowship meetings and enjoy the sweet fellowship.
Our church in Tagpo, Bais, is located high in the northern mountains of this province. The church there has been established for a long time and it stands as a lighthouse for the Gospel there. One of our district supervisors visited Tagpo recently. He was blessed by his visit there and he saw that the congregation has made an effort to build a larger building to accommodate the people. The old building is made of wood, but the church has started putting up a larger building of cement posts and beams. Construction materials are becoming more expensive, and are even more costly in the mountain areas because they have to be trucked up to the area. The new building needs steel trusses and galvanized iron roofing sheets, and also cement walls. Please pray for the financial needs to finish this larger church! I attach pictures of the site.
Our new branch church in Manalongon, Sta Catalina, will host our semi-annual pastors’ convention on October 17-20. This church is a center of fellowship for the local churches in four municipalities in southern Negros. We’re looking forward to a great convention there! I also attach a picture of the church.
Thank you for all your prayers and love gifts for the ministry here. We’re so pleased we can be “workers together” for the Lord! God bless you!
Sis June Pacleb
“Oh, Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your Name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens”! Psalm :1. Greetings in the Name that is most majestic and glorious, our Lord God!
Thank the Lord for all His goodness in our lives! It’s an awesome privilege to serve Him! We pray you, also, are richly blessed.
I have been privileged to attend the Thanksgiving service at our branch church in Campuyo, Manjuyod, recently. As always, it was a happy time of fellowship and blessing in the Word of God. Some pastors from branch churches also attended. This church has been established many years ago.
Our Semi-Annual Christian Fellowship Church convention was held on October 17-20, and was hosted by the Manalongon church. This church has a big new building, and was able to accommodate the pastors coming from all over Negros Island! It was a wonderful time of fellowship and good messages of encouragement for all the pastors! Everyone felt the joy of precious fellowship.
The members of the Manalongon church are very involved in reaching out to win souls. Besides Bible studies, they reach the local barrios with child evangelism, and this outreach is growing fast.
Our church construction in the village of Emporium is going on. The welders have been putting up the steel trusses in preparation for fastening the corrugated iron roofing. But their work has been slowed by the daily heavy rains that start at 11:00 and rain for the rest of the day, making it too dangerous to use the welding machine. Hopefully, the welding work will soon be done! I attach some photos which appear blurry due to the mist and fog that lingers in the air.
Our second semester classes in the Bible school will resume on October 31, and will run through March 2017. Thank you for your prayers for the School of Ministry!
God bless you!
Sis June Pacleb
Christian Fellowship Church Newsletter, Nov/Dec. 2016
“We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near. Men tell of your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 75:1
What a privilege it is to tell men of the wonderful deeds of our Lord! We are rejoicing, as always, in the good things of the Lord. We hear reports from our branch pastors of recent water baptisms, new people attending the outreaches and young people committing to serve the Lord. The new daughter churches continue to grow.
We held our northern Negros Island district fellowship in the Christian Fellowship Church of Jimalalud,Negros Oriental, this month. The district pastors with their delegates attended the one day fellowship. It was a good time of fellowship, encouragement and pressing closer to the Lord. We are happy for the good participation of the area pastors. The church was full! We were all so blessed with the moving of the Holy Spirit among us. I attach a few photos of this service.
The branch churches will all be celebrating their special Christmas “Thanksgiving” services this month. It’ll be a very busy time!
We join together to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas season!
Yours in the Love of the Lord!
Sis June Pacleb