
Pastor A’s Ministry

“My name is Pastor A. (name withheld for the safety of the pastor). I have been working for the Kingdom of God here in Pakistan since 2005. God gave me a vision to make 5000 House Churches and make a network of 500 Pastors / Church Leaders in Pakistan. I am very happy and excited to let you know that our Ministry already established 15 House Churches in different villages & towns and in every House Church we have 50 to 60 regular church members. Also our Ministry has established a network of 3 Pastors and 2 Evangelists working together to take care of these House Churches and working very hard to reach out to more and more outreach areas with the Word of God .

 Our Mission:

Church Planting and House Churches.

Reach  Unreached Areas.

Children Ministry.

Free Education for poor Children.

Free Bible Distribution.

Street Evangelism.

Door to Door Evangelism

Free Food to poor People.

Sewing Training Center for Poor Women


Ministry Needs:

Funds for the Building of two Church facilities.

Ministry Van for the Transport of Evangelistic Team

(transportation costs are extreme in Pakistan).

Bibles for Distribution.

Food, Blankets, and other Supplies for Needy Families”.


Pastor A.


(Due to the sensitivity of these specific reports and pictures, we cannot post them online. Those who are supporting a specific project receive updates and pictures on the project they support).


Pastor R’s Ministry

Greetings in the name of Lord Jesus.
After visiting your website it has been revealed to us that you are making partnership to help orphans & Street Children. Ours is a society working among the Gypsy and kiln laborers. The social status of these people is very low and they have no facility for their health and education. They are working at brickyards and even they sell their kidneys for money so that they may have three times meals. They are in the slavery of their masters as the Israelites were in the age of Pharaoh and their plight is pitiable. These hundreds children need pity and must be helped to save their lives. So, kindly support our project. Gypsy churches are very poor and these people are helpless and no source of proper income. In order to change their lives and to make their progress help them. Let us spend our sources for the betterment of these helpless kids. Jesus taught us to be kind to the children especially. To save the lives of these kids we hope that you will encourage us and will be a great cause to glorify His great name. Our society is consisted of Christian believers at national level, is non-profit, working among the Gypsy kiln laborers and poor people. It has been registered with the Pakistan government. We shall hopefully wait a positive response from you.
In His Service,
Pastor R.

(Due to the sensitivity of these specific reports and pictures, we cannot post them online. Those who are supporting a specific project receive updates and pictures on the project they support).


Christian Youth of Pakistan

Christian Youth of Pakistan (CYP) is God given vision to an accumulated network of Gospel passionate youth with some chosen seniors from Christian community of Pakistan with Lord’s call for His vast vision in Pakistan. Although CYP represents committed Christian youth from diverse backgrounds and professions including young Evangelists, indigenous Church planters, players / leaders & Sports ministers, teachers / children workers, medical / paramedics, banking, politics, IT, Media, young Pastors / Sunday school leaders, student community, etc but struggles for shared mission of:

· Evangelizing non–believers and equipping believers for wider kingdom expansion across “UNSAVED” Pakistan. For this purpose bringing global missions / strategies possible for making them executed in Pakistan with communities in spiritual darkness

·  Religious freedom / equality for Christians in Pakistan

·  Counseling with local churches / ministries and local youth groups for involving and formulating effective outreach and disciple making strategies

CYP comprises of Lord’s chosen young force sharing their passion for kingdom growth and serving His oppressed people under extreme conditions of violence and desperate. CYP has strong conviction of Baptizing and transforming most unreached communities and making mark for Christ which could be never erased, CYP missions to share good news with those still not known with Christ and in spiritual darkness for which CYP has developed vast community reach through youth volunteerism and strong networking of local churches and other indigenous / native missionaries. CYP has 600 volunteer youth Evangelists / pastors ministering with more than 15000 kids and slum youth for baptizing and reviving generations towards Christ and Church planters in 56 difficult locations fighting for Christ for the chief aim of touching hearts and lives towards the doors of salvation which is through Jesus only targeting the areas where Jesus and Gospel are least known and no one has been willing to GO. God is doing great things in Pakistan as till date CYP had witnessed hundreds of thousands lives baptized and souls saved for Lord Christ across highly challenged nation of Pakistan. At the time I have following causes for prayers support:

1. CYP’s street outreach project is saving hundreds weekly and the witnesses of Lord’s salvation are being delivered across the sites where they were never before. Many are making decisions for Christ through salvation prayer reading and the booklet “Behold the Lamb of God” (Gospel of John). Praise the Lord for anointing labor of volunteers and 2 full – time Evangelists touching the ends of dominated lands and more focusing the forgotten slums. Keep praying that the souls saving movement keeps on growing under the protection from heaven and that the publication of booklets and salvation prayers would be blessed for changing millions forever. CYP’s recent mission trip trained group from Karachi through which salvation of Pakistan’s largest city is the vision as many trained and formed groups are bringing plentiful harvest to the Kingdom

2. CYP’s Church planters in slum villages are asking for 1200 Urdu Bibles for sharing the word of God with unsaved and some spiritually hungry new converts as their locations are hubs of Muslim fundamentalists and there is huge shortage of God’s word. There has been much – need of your blessed part in this cause which is especially for strengthening steadfastness of our Youth Pastors and Church planters and enabling them to keep fulfilling their call and vision. Pray that the Lord roots miraculous availability of His living word to us – that all may hear!!

3. CYP’s Baptism outreach campaign is growing and spreading day by day across the ends of this Islamic country – just in last 2 months 27 new believers has been baptized. Please keep praying that the more home Churches would be planted with special focus towards Baptizing and transforming communities. At the moment CYP’s dream of outreach mission across 5 least reached villages where is much need of God’s work and the vision is Gospel witnesses delivered and many pioneer Churches planted through this mission. Although there is fearing environments but these areas are very important for God’s work

4. God is doing great things in Pakistan, our kids’ convention with 67 kids of our newly started Sunday school and the community has been of some beyond imagination glory to God, these young soldiers are having some ground shaking passion for the Kingdom of Lord Christ across our nation of Pakistan. Many are being discipled and becoming young soul winners through our united prayers and the commitments of CYP soldiers (we are excited for sharing the strong praise report very soon)

5. Let us pray together that the God would touch with HIS right hand the purpose of strong relationship with our fellow – laborers at Ministry for setting free the bonded souls with name of Jesus and truths of Gospel, translation and publication of souls saving material into Urdu language for changing the minds of vast Muslim population, Pastoral and souls winning trainings for our youth Pastors and Evangelists fulfilling their ministry call under restriction and hide, Mass Evangelism outreaches for transforming communities towards Christ, keep moving the precious mission of planting pioneer and reproducing Churches in restricted sites and delivering Lord’s promise for the communities in cultural and spiritual darkness on dominated lands of here.

CYP has been Lord’s ministry presenting new – born life to communities and cultures for making mark for Christ through disciples making, outdoor rallies, Gospel outreach campaigns in anti-Gospel sites, campus crusades and outreaches, youth conventions and pastoral training for indigenous / native Church planters and women ministers, door to door Evangelism, humanitarian relief, mass Evangelism, literature publication and kids compassion projects.

(Due to the sensitivity of these specific reports and pictures, we cannot post them online. Those who are supporting a specific project receive updates and pictures on the project they support).

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