An integral part of our “Home Missions” is meeting physical as well as spiritual needs of those in our local area. Just as we support indigenous missionaries overseas, in order to meet their needs and those they minister to; we also endeavor to offer assistance to people in need in our local community. Currently, we are doing this through our “Winter Boot Project” and “Light Therapy/Nutrition Project.”
Recently our ministry received a donation of winter boots of various sizes, with extra liners, valued at $6000. We have been absolutely delighted to have the opportunity to share with others in this capacity; given our location (North Idaho), it can be quite cold up here in the winter. We have made many people very happy–also, giving us the ability to share the goodness of the Lord.
Regarding health counseling: its been our experience, a great number of people here in this country are in need of nutritional guidance–poor and affluent alike. Most people use the SAD (standard American diet) approach. Statistics prove one in three individuals living in the US today will contract some form of cancer in their lifetimes. One hundred years ago that figure was one in eight thousand. The rates of heart disease are even higher. Something is vitally wrong. Through nearly forty years of research and study, we have indeed found the answer. God has provided the means for us to take care of His “temple”. I Corinthians 6:19,20 says, “19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price.Therefore honor God with your bodies.” According to God’s Holy Word, we can honor God with our bodies by staying away from ALL immoral sexual acts, and by taking care of our physical bodies allowing us to be healthy and strong to do His work. Many people, however, don’t understand how to do this effectively. God has called us to help those in need; and this is a dire need. In the last twenty-five years we have given nutritional counseling, and never thought of it as a ministry until now. We are encouraging people that there is a better way than to suffer needlessly throughout their lives and bringing an unnecessary burden on others around them.
We offer nutritional and fitness consultation; praying with and for each one we ministry to, giving prayer support daily, and allowing them to try various protocols that have been proven to work (i.e. vitamin & mineral therapy, dietary changes, fitness programs, and other therapies).
One such protocol is “focused light therapy” or “laser therapy”. NASA found that light therapy causes the immune system to perform at an optimal level. Their research also confirmed that human tissue heals much, much faster when exposed to the right phototherapy. Focused light therapy has been found to be noninvasive,painless, and without side effects–relieving pain, boosting immune systems, heal acne, reduce inflammation, increase blood flow to accelerate healing, increase collagen production, and more. The brand of equipment we use is said to be the very best of its kind; known under the trade mark name of “Spectrabrite”, and distributed by TLC Health Systems. To learn more go to:
It is truly our desire to come to the aid of all who are seeking help. So far, this has become an awesome ministry, one of which has helped many; and we are encouraged and confident it will continue to do so.
Future Home Missions – Summary
The Home Missions Department, when fully realized, will also consists of: Christian retreats for the deaf/youth camp / wilderness programs, residential training center for troubled teens, youth center ministries, and supporting entities, emergency shelters, etc. The primary thrust of the future Home Missions Department will be towards our youth. If we, as a country, lose our young people, we will lose our future as a nation. Our youth are important to us. We must do all within our ability to minister to and win over for Christ the young people of our communities. We will be utilizing the talents of local professionals in the areas of academics, Bible teaching, counseling, and practical training in a variety of fields. Our program will consist of Biblical training, enjoyable work projects, practical instruction, wilderness programs, fun activities, and sound nutrition in order to correct behavioral and social problems– which are proven to work with a very high degree of success. We believe consistent structure and discipline coupled with strong Christian morals and principles, founded on the Bible, can and will change lives. The Campground facilities will be specifically designed to minister to youth. However, our plan is to provide various programs for young and old alike. The Home Missions Department will also care for the homeless and destitute, providing emergency shelter, food, clothing, and other short and long term assistance.
Christian Residential Training Center
This facility is currently in the planning stage. We hope very soon to establish this much needed ministry in Boundary County. We are working diligently to accomplish such an endeavor, as well as various other youth ministries (see descriptions below). The residential training facility will be known as “New Hope Christian Academy” (NHCA). NHCA will be an integral part of the Home Missions Department of Freedom’s Hope Ministry, Inc. of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. As with all of our ministerial endeavors, our goal is to lead students to faith in Jesus Christ; to develop young men and women who adhere to a Christian viewpoint; preparing them to participate as mature Godly members of home, church and society. NHCA will partner with parents to enable students to become productive God fearing citizens in a depraved world, by providing a Christian faith-based solution to life-controlling drug, alcohol, and behavioral problems. We will offer a highly structured environment where Christian discipline and discipleship is taught; presenting daily opportunities for spiritual growth and development, which encourage restoration of family relationships.
Youth Ministries
These facilities and programs are currently in the planning stage. Freedom’s Hope Ministry, Inc. will construct youth centers, acquire recreational equipment, provide educational classes (i.e. Bible, practical living, hobby and other constructive classes, etc.), retreats and other programs; staffing all facilities with Youth Center Directors, support staff, and volunteers. We will provide training for all youth center staff, including Youth Center Director’s training. The youth center training facility will be located in the Bonners Ferry Youth Center facility. The youth centers will initially be concentrated in the North Idaho area, then branch out concentrically. All youth centers will be headed by a Youth Center Director, supervised and trained by the Youth Ministries Coordinator within the Home Missions Department. Each center will be in close proximity to, and most accessible to the youth of each community. The establishment of a campground facility will also be a vital part of the youth ministry. These facilities will provide, and primarily be focused on youth programs (summer and winter camps), short term youth retreats, an intensive wilderness program, a variety of recreational activities, and specialty camps (i.e. deaf camp), hosting men’s and women’s retreats, pastors’ rejuvenation retreats, etc.
Other Future Local Programs
These facilities and programs are currently in the planning stage. Due to the high unemployment in N. Idaho and surrounding areas, there are a fairly high percentage of people in need of some form of assistance, (i.e. food, housing, clothing, educational, and employment). With a sufficient amount of housing and agricultural land, we can take care of the many needs; including employment– since we will need workers to tend the fields, maintain the grounds and structures, teach the students, and work in the various departments of the ministry. With a multitude of projects and programs in place, we can be self sustaining and at the same time helping those around us and the world at large.
Jasmine Greene Ministry
Jasmine Greene Ministry is a division of Freedom’s Hope Ministry Home Missions Department. This ministry is directed by Ginger Marie Tallie of Columbia Tennessee. Jasmine Green Ministries is an outreach to orphans, widows, prisoners and victims of human sex trafficking both overseas and in the USA.
Personal Note from Ginger:
“….I have a heart for orphans as they are innocent victims and need love and care…. In reaching out to victims of the sex industry or victims of human sex trafficking, I started reaching out to them several years ago. My heart goes out to these kidnapped girls and boys, women and men as they’re forced into sex slavery for the perpetrator’s financial gain. No one should have to endure such horror. I have several ministries that I support through Jasmine Green Ministries that help to rescue these victims. HAGAR, NightLight, and Not For Sale. Hagar is a ministry that has built a safe shelter and teaches young women who were formerly sex slaves, how to make a living by making handbags and such to sell! Nightlight is a ministry that reaches out to women caught up in the sex industry and “pulls them out of it” with God’s love and offers them a chance to earn an honest living by making gorgeous jewelry. And Not For Sale has built a safe shelter called Veronica’s House and this is a safe shelter for people who were victims of forced sex slavery.”“Thank you for taking time to read about the outreaches that Jasmine Green Ministries is involved with, and please prayerfully consider donating to one of these good works! God bless you!”Ginger Marie Tallie