2022 in Review

FHM Newsletter

We praise our Father in heaven for His abundant blessings this past year.  He has made a way many times, when there seemed to be no more options,  to get much needed donations to the indigenous ministers in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Uganda, Kenya, DRC, and the Philippines, and others.  Clearly, Satan has been fighting to keep funds from reaching these courageous brothers and sisters in the Lord throughout the entire year, but our God has been faithful and made a way each month to get the help to each one of them, showing us how to be more creative.  If these men and women of God were not doing such an incredible job of sharing the good news of Jesus in remote villages, caring for the orphans and widows, and rescuing those in dangerous situations, showing them God’s love in action, Satan would not be putting up so many road blocks.  Yet, through Christ and by your prayers and support, you will see as you read each minister’s report of what God has done for His Kingdom through them, that much has been accomplished for His Kingdom through this work.  Please take time to read each report and pray for each of the indigenous workers and their success and protection.  Also, please take time to regularly check out our website to see the updates of what God is doing in each country through the body of Christ working together.  Thank you so very much for your many prayers and generous gifts.  May God bless you and your family abundantly!



Remote Village Teachers Project

Pastor S. writes:

Though we face many difficulties and challenges in our ministry. By the grace of God, we were able to visit twelve villages among the unreached and giving us new fruits. We praise God for His abundant love and blessing on our ministry. Our ministry activities in 2022 are as follows:

1. We have a regular seminar and Bible study program in the new home churches. This is so
much successful. The new believers participate in Bible studies and seminars with great enthusiasm. They ask our evangelists to share God’s Words with them for hours and
hours. That is how God is giving them thirst for the living Word of God in their hearts who never wanted to listen to gospel before.

2. Most of our new believers are illiterates. They can neither read nor write. And they also do not have any primer books in their own languages. So God has helped us to make primer books in their language. We have already printed them out and taught them so that they can read the Bible and study by themselves.

3. God is also helping us to make praise and worship songs in their languages. We are hoping we will be able to print them out and teach them soon.

4. God is helping us to launch evaluation and follow up among the new home churches.

5. We have been able to distribute some medicines among the new believers which is very much effective to reduce their superstition.
6. We have also collected used clothes from local churches and distributed among the new believers to show God’s love and care.

7. We are helping and teaching new churches to learn to give. We have already given them a target amount of offering to reach so that they can be self-supported in the future.

Souls saved: There are 107 people who have received salvation and 65 baptized. We have trained 512 leaders, churches planted: 5 buildings.

People healed or delivered: We prayed for 213 people from many health issues and others. 94 people were healed.

God miraculously provides: God is using our ministry effectively to the unreached people of our area. Until now God has never failed us to win lost souls through the help of the Holy Spirit. Wherever we started our ministry God is giving us the new fruits and expanding His Kingdom among the unreached indigenous people. However, the greatest thing we have seen what God is doing is He is opening the hearts of the people who have been so much resistant to the good news. God is doing incredible work among the unreached!

Prayer requests:
1. We need two motorbikes for two workers for transportation to ministry activities.
2. A set of computers to be used for ministry office.
3. We need three new workers for new fields.

Hoping to accomplish in 2023:
1. To reach the gospel at least 12 villages
2. To make new church leaders at least 60
3. To plant at least six house churches in six villages & six church buildings
4. New planted churches to be matured, self-governing, self- supporting and self- propagating

Thank you so much for your continued love and prayers. We send our love and prayers to you all.

Pastor S.



Mustard Seed Christian School Inc.

Sister Anita Escobar:

Great is the Lord and is greatly to be praised!
MSCSI has just finished their Christmas celebration last Friday the 16th and the parents with their kids enjoyed the celebration with simple food and simple gifts. The celebration culminated with games and talent contest. We were blessed, we had fair weather since we always have rain in our land. I am happy to report that many souls were saved and were ushered to God’s kingdom and many more souls are being saved. We are using the G 12 system in how to win souls and make disciples. Souls were baptized in water and we believed many more will continue to be won for Christ. Everyone in church are soul winners! My son with his wife are working together in the salvation of souls and they are partners too at MSCSI.

Since we are already granted and approved in the opening of the senior high school come next school year, which are Grades eleven and twelve our school is now ready for the acceptance of new students for Sch. Yr. 2023-2024.Thank God, I mentioned you that we need 4 more toilets to be constructed and we were able. The four constructed toilets are now being used for the convenience of the students we only had 3 toilets. So we have now 7 plus one for the pre-schoolers. Thank you so much for your much needed prayers and assistance! Our prayer request now is the construction of two classrooms for the incoming of the grades 11 and 12 students next schoolyear. Your prayers for this urgent need is greatly appreciated. The school is continuously growing because of your prayers and assistance. I will be uploading photos to be sent to you dear partners and friends. Stay wonderfully blessed in all you do. We are praying for your health and strength everyday as you do the work the Lord has put in your hearts. The work of the Lord at MSCSI and in our church will continue as we are all excitedly waiting for Jesus’s soon return!

Love and Prayers,

Anita and family with church and school

PS. Two of our teachers with the principal just attended a boy scout and girls scout training and a journalism seminar too to help enhance the kids in our school. God is good!


D. R. Congo

New Hope Bethesda

Pastor Ruboneka Herbo writes:
I would like to inform you that we are in a war situation between government and M23 rebels in Goma , North Kivu the situation is not good people fleeing their homes . People suffer from hunger . We need your prayer assistance . The food is so expensive and not much money available to get food for this situation.

Concerning the socio-economic situation; indeed I faced many problems caused by the lack of funds. Many activities generating funds to feed my own family and the families of the pastors, and to reinforce the work of the Lord has been greatly diminished. As far as the ministry is concerned the same situation is reflected in the work of the Lord . Some servants of God have certainly given up because no financial support has been given for a long time . The offerings from the believers have gone down . It was even difficult. However, we saw 700 souls won for the lord in two provinces and 167 healed. Praise the Lord!!

Our objective from the year 2023 is to pray hard for the Lord to enable us to reorganize this church and win more souls for Him, establishing new programs and activities for the youth, and enable us to evangelize in broader areas.

We need your prayers and monthly support to send evangelists in different villages. We need your prayers to help 6 Pastors and the orphans in our orphanage.

We thank Freedom’s Hope Ministry partners for the prayer and support for this very hard situation undergone. We thank you for your love and your partnership with our ministry in DRC .



Fundamental Baptist Church

Pastor Joe Arori writes:
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all
generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20–21.

We appreciate your heartfelt concern towards our ministry. We appreciate your help in the last year 2022. Whereby you accompanied us in this journey by prayers and financial support. We know, during the Covid period, things were very hard. But our God was very near to us here and there. He did not leave us nor forsake us.


As I look back on 2022, I’m so grateful for such an incredible year. We saw the Grace Revolution continuing to sweep across the world, impacting countless lives with the abundant grace of our Lord Jesus. It was definitely another year filled with the favor, provision, and goodness of Jesus! Even though we had great challenges of Covid –19 and the Covid—Micron virus in the past two years. But God really stood with us. No one passed away due to Covid 19.

God enabled us to visit many villages with the Gospel. There were 56 new converts that came to the Lord and decided following the Lord.
44 sick people were delivered and healed by the Lord. Praise God.
No one died. But God kept us all safe. We thank God for preserving us.

– Evangelization / Public outreach Gospel preaching
– Youth Camp meetings
– Leaders conference
– Buying new clothing for the orphans.
– Renting 10 Acres of land this January, that we will do farming in crop farming in 10 years period. This will cost us $ 4,000 USD.
– Orphans permanent structure/housing. This will cost us $ 10,000 USD
– Monthly support $ 40 USD towards each of the 25 orphans and ministry too.

So as we have entered this new year 2023, it is our prayer that we will receive the gifts and benefits our heavenly Father so freely gives out of the riches of His glorious grace. As we do this, we will experience a greater joy, hope, restoration, healing, and provision than ever before!

We hope you with your family and friends – team at Freedom’s Hope and Life Aid Foundation there has a measure of influence with you, family, church and work and your community. Hope you will use your God given talent and influence to share this exciting ministry to those you know. Please use your Facebook, email and your voice to help the many needy orphans of Kenya. I ask you please to take a moment and ask Christ how He desires you to help His needy children in Kenya. We pray God to continue giving us His opportunity to raise up these orphans in the nature of the Lord. We welcome you to backup us meet the above needs.
Thank you for your faithful support in last year 2022 and thank you in advance for your continued prayer in this year 2023. I’m so excited and can’t wait to see all that our God will accomplish as we lift high the name of Jesus. Hallelujah……….. Shalom…….

In His Kingdom,
Bro. Joe Arori and Sis. Beatrice Joe – Freedom’s Hope family and Life Aid Foundation Kenya.