2016 In Review

FHM Ministry Updates, Newsletter

2016 has been another year of great blessing and many challenges: Hundreds of lost souls coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ; dozens of new churches planted; hundreds of people receiving much needed assistance in their time of great distress; children being taught the Word of God; many indigenous ministers aided to further their calling; and untold number of lives changed for eternity.

God has indeed blessed Freedom’s Hope Ministry; He has always come through with much required funds (most of the time at the very last minute) in order to meet our obligations–this was nothing short of miraculous! Consequently, this ministry has been very blessed with most generous donors, prompted by God, acting out of obedience, and giving out a cheerful loving hearts–this we so praise the Lord for! We thank each and every one of you for your gifts and prayers from the bottom of our hearts!

The following is just a small sample of what God has done this past year through His faithful servants around the world:


D. R. Congo

New Hope Bethesda – Pastor Ruboneka Herbo

Our team trained 380 military disciples and distributed bibles to the disciples, and trained 450 civilian disciples in North Kivu province and South Kivu province. We have taken a lot of time for disciple teams in Goma, North Kivu province, and South Kivu province. We also helped orphan and accompanied children: 79 in Goma and 45 in Bukavu respectively. We have organized crusades in many public places and sent delegations of evangelistic teams all around Goma village and Bukavu village.

We praise the Lord for this work last year; God led us with this Holy Ghost! We educated the disciples and they continue to train other disciples.

Thank you so much for your following support in DR Congo. Our prayer now to God is to help us this following year–we need to preach to the Muslims who are in the East of the DRC–we need to make them disciples.

The priority is for them to find Jesus Christ and make disciples through training.
Our plans for 2017 are: in the first three months we need to train 500 Disciples; on the second quarter, 1500 disciples; and in the third, 500 Disciples. To feed, clothed, and school the children; to mobilize our teams in order to reinforce the work we have performed during past year–it is necessary to make a follow up of all these activities, otherwise our efforts would be in vain.

Please pray for God to provide the finances for this. We need materials to train disciples, transportation, and Bibles for the new believers,

God bless you!

Pastor Ruboneka Herbo

*NOTE: We have not been able to financially help this ministry yet, but desire to do so when God provides.



Africa Life Youth Foundation

Dear Co-workers in the Lord,

I greet you  through the precious Name of our  Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks  for your prayers and support for our ministry work in 2016. God enabled us to reach out to thousands of people with the message of  the Kingdom of God and Life.

In Jan 2016: We began with the youth camp and God enabled us to reach out to more than 200 youths with deep training and equipping them in the word of God and Leadership skills.There were some challenges like, Funds to feed them, and the people around the community thought we are training rebels. Our biggest challenge with the youth camp is that we get the funds even as we run it; so challenging. Please stand with us in your prayers that God may enable us to get funds before the camp starts.

We ministered to students in colleges and High schools–many young people gave their lives to our King Jesus Christ, some have got sponsors through our outreaches and now have hope to finish  their studies. In 2016, we ministered in 16 colleges and 10 high schools; more than 20,000 students heard the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.

Through our Mobile Bible training, 30 local Pastors and church leaders were trained and well equipped for 8 months on how to preach, interpret scriptures, and  lead church with administrative skills. Those Pastors had never received Bible training but were leading churches, and every one sharing the Gospel to their church members.

We had 2 Leadership conference and more than 400 people were trained for 4 days in leadership skills.

Our Ministry received a call to start planting churches, and in 2016, we planted 2 churches (Real life Church  Kikandwa and Real Life church Kayongoga).

Children’s Christmas Tour:  We had  Children’s Christmas tour to the Zoo and Amusement Park. They enjoyed every thing. Most of them it was their first time to visit such places. It’s our desire and prayer that one day God will open a door of having such games around their churches in the village in order to enjoy every weekend.

God bless you all!

Richard Sempala
CEO-Africa Life Youth Foundation



Remote Village Teachers Project

My team and I visit every month in the villages for sharing the Gospel, training, seminar follow-up and evaluation program etc. We divided three or four groups to go to visit different villages and stay two or three days in every village. After finishing our activities, including teaching, we would go to the next village, and so on–twelve villages in all. Since our ministry areas are very far and remote when we visit, we would spend 10-12 days. We are God’s servants, and He is always with us in our ministry activities.

God is using our ministry effectively to bring the unreached people of some of the most remote areas of Asia. Until now God has never failed us to win lost souls through the help of the Holy Spirit. Wherever we started our ministry, God is giving us the new fruits.  However, the greatest thing we have seen what God is doing is opening the hearts of the people who have been so much resistant to the good news.

By the grace of God, Churches are really growing spiritually and giving new fruits. The Churches practice evangelism, preaching, prayer, teaching, giving (tithes), love, and fellowship. We received 132 souls; Train 404 leaders; Planted 6 churches; Baptized 56; Prayed for 257 serious and normal sicknesses; and God miraculously healed 147 from January 16th through November 16th.

We have been running 6 village children schools in 6 different villages. They are really growing in their learning in secular subjects and learning about the word of God as well. Through these village schools support we were able to penetrate among the unbelieving villages and win souls. This is the best weapon against the devil and effective for sharing gospel!

We really praise God; He is proving miraculously for our ongoing ministry. Praise the Lord!

Prayer requests and needed for ministry:


  1. Pray for my co-workers and I for continue to bless ongoing ministry and our family as well.
  2. Pray for new believers for strong faith, multiply and become strong leaders in the ministries.
  3. Pray for a set of projector and sound system for training and evangelism for 2017.
  4. Pray for more village children schools in 2017.

Thank you so much for your love, concern and continued praying for us and for His kingdom.

Many blessings,

Pastor S.



People for Jesus International Ministries – Pastor Tom Opyio

Greetings in Christ.

Thanks for the opportunity you are giving us to be known around the world. In the year 2016, we were able to do the following among others;

  1. Conducted Missions emphasis projects and programs to mobilize the Church for missions in Kenya at Narok, Nyamkebe, Nyakach, Nairobi, Kericho and Iretet areas in Kenya.  We treated over 4000 livestock, gave relief food and items, constructed special latrines for a secondary school in Kisumu, and much more.
  2. Crusades and Jesus Film in Kisumu county in Kenya, in Motonyi in Narok, Iretet in Narok and in Olooltoto areas of Narok.  About 20 people came to Christ and I baptized them in May 2016.
  3. Planted two Churches in Kenya, and planted a Church among Muslims in Tanzania at Dar Esalaam. Our outreach/missions team is busy with that.
  4. Conducted Annual leader’s conference in November 2016.  35 leaders were in attendance for three days.
  5. Conducted a national youth camp at Narok for one week in December 2016.
  6. Held a BIG MEAL 2016 event in which needy children are given delicious meals on Christmas day.  700 children were fed and the gospel was preached.  Talented children awarded.
  7. Established a disabled centre at Nairobi Kayole Branch Church with 20 disabled children being rehabilitated.
  8. Constructed our Eldoret branch Church sanctuary.
  9. I graduated at a theological university together with one other Church leader from our Church.  I desire to continue as God provides.
  10. God provided miraculously for children and students sponsorship programs, conference, youth camp, for the Jesus Film program, and for my family.


  1. We need to buy Narok town Church a quarter acre piece of land and building, at a cost of $35,000.
  2. We want to plant a Church in South Sudan and Liberia in 2017 and beyond
  3. We need to build a model primary school in Narok among the Maasai people at Olooltoto area.
  4. Raise support for our more than 10 pastors and their families–between $150 to 450 per pastor.
  5. Improve our disabled centre to accommodate more children. That means hiring more teachers, more equipment, etc.
  6. Do better in our community development projects such as water supplies, irrigation, etc.

God bless you,

Pastor Tom



Gentle Heart Foundation – Brother Arjun

On the Christmas Day, 2016, I was invited to share the Good News among the inmates and I went there which is more than 3 hour drive from Kathmandu where the security personnel were also there. And it was really a wonderful time to share the Gospel among more than 550 people. They responded to the Gospel very positively and some of them committed their lives to the Lord, and it was a real blessing to celebrate the Christmas on seeing the saving souls.

There were so many ups & downs due to the political instability of the country, more pressure from the government for the Christian people; facing challenges with the home. The children are growing while we were limited on the resources but we strongly feel the mighty presence of God in 2016, and wherever we face the challenges we felt God’s guidance. Our God is so great and bring us this far, we give all the glory and honor to Him for His mighty presence in every situation and appreciation goes to people like you who always pray for us, as well as joining your helping hand with us for the great task that the Lord has given us to accomplish.

Right now we have 18 children and we are also following up for another 8 children who have graduated from our Children Home and also helped them for the job placement. Children are doing well and they are studying hard and growing in the Lord. What a great encouragement to know that everyone has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. We are getting very positive response from their school as well as the community. Some of the children got up to 96% in their school with first position in their grade. By seeing the improvement in their lives & education their teachers in the school also are amazed–this is the answer of the prayers. They are also provided some extra classes for the weak subject to get even better result.

We are praying for the following things:

–          Bigger place for the children as they are growing

–          Daily walk with the Lord

–          Slum ministries

–          Ministries for the sexually exploited women & their children

–          Means of transport

–          Needed resources

–          Land & building for the Home

Thank you so much for your constant prayers. Please be assured of our constant prayers for you, family and ministries.

Serving Him Together,

Arjun Dhakal



Christian Youth of Pakistan

God’s plan with this world of sinners was extremely precious and closer to His heart. As His only Son and our Savior Jesus Christ brought the mission of God’s restoration to a broken world, and His unique birth has been the biggest testimony for the stressed humans, we praise the Lord for placing us and appointing His long lasting vision to His movement to CYP. Please keep praying and praising God for the following causes of Christ for the month of December and beyond:

  1. Praise Lord for the 8101 souls received Christ their true Lord and Savior through CYP’s evangelism teams across the country; pray that the reformed lives would keep growing in Christ’s true spirit and would become witnesses of Christ’s everlasting love for millions further
  2. God’s word (Urdu Bibles) has been placed where Bibles in mother language never existed ever before across the slums and villages. 46 Urdu Bibles placed to families are joyful in the Lord for knowing deeper knowledge of Christ and His Gospel. Urdu Bibles equipped to our indigenous workers are being used for proclaiming His word to hundreds of communities, and with the Bibles new converts are helping them grow in Christ’s discipleship everyday!
  3. Praise the Lord, the mission printing of evangelism literature “Jesus Saves” into URDU language. The booklets profoundly instills Christ’s testimony to the unreached bringing to the lifetime decision making of receiving Christ their only and true Lord and Savior. CYP received the support for first printing of 1000 booklets which has been bringing beyond imagination testimonies from Muslims communities; the booklets have been most effectively working across difficult sites as 1 booklet is being read by entire family and communities at hundreds of locations. We thank God for Brother Tom and his team, standing with Lord’s movement at CYP, for equipping workers for reaching Pakistan for Christ through this precious tool, and everlasting blessing to those who never witnessed Christ even once. Keep praying and spreading the word as we have been challenging shortage of literature and in need for keep printing “Jesus Saves” in mother language, of this 2nd largest Islamic Nation, our King’s name is being glorified and His heart is rejoicing!
  4. God’s plan of connecting and preparing united force for binging His true love to highly discouraged and stressed population of Pakistan; with this cause Brother James Liton from “Youth with A Mission” (YWAM) and “Finishing the Task” (FTT) visited CYP office for knowing more regarding the movement and together finding strategy for expanding Christ’s vision with CYP; most specifically across our precious SINDH communities. Pray for the further strategy with heart of bringing Christ to extremely challenging Nation of Pakistan
  5. Mission of training visionary, native and multiplying leaders across the most unreached sites of Pakistan is growing with every passing day. Our “Ready Set GO” training in the village of Toba Tek Singh has trained and equipped 28 leaders with evangelism skills and effective disciples making strategies. Praise the Lord as trained workers prepare their plan of actions for reaching their native locations and training many to do so!
  6. Please keep praying for the much shortage of literature in Urdu language and Urdu Bibles in order to keep expanding the movement of Lord at CYP to the ends of attention requiring Nation of Pakistan where has been intense need of realizing urgency of Christ’s mission where Gospel doors seems to be more restricted in coming days !
  7. Please keep praying for the conference and training in Kenya in January where I will be sharing and training our African Pastors, Leaders and Evangelists on evangelism across persecuted and hostile environments, pray for the funds for my airline ticket which is 900 USD
  8. Keep praying for the Lord’s workers taking His salvation and true love to the most hostile and unreached Pakistan, pray for the protection from Heaven!

We together are bringing bigger smile on our King’s face, praise Him for all the Lord has done through our united force in the year 2016, and are in the meantime asking you for prayer support and keep standing with His mission at CYP as we together are bringing reality to our Lord’s plan for which He has been extremely passionate. Our heavenly Father have given us the mightiest testimony of His only Son’s unique birth and everlasting love for the devastated and fallen world, we thank God for making us a part of an ever growing task of the Great Commission given to human kind.

Your Brother for reaching Pakistan,

Pastor S.

*NOTE: We have not been able to financially help this ministry yet, but desire to do so when God provides.