To God be the glory for another miraculous year, where we, along with each of you who have faithfully supported this ministry, have witnessed our Father in Heaven, with God, the Son and the Holy Spirit performing His incredible work in the hearts of broken, desperate people throughout the world. MANY lives have been dramatically impacted with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. When these people experience God’s healing power and His love directly through the sharing of food and other life necessities, they know God is REAL, unlike the false gods they were taught to sacrifice and pray to. Our God has offered them salvation through Jesus Christ for all eternity. The joy and true freedom they experience is shared with family and friends in their own towns and villages, then through a powerful ripple effect, the Gospel and Jesus’ love travels from village to village, family to family. This year we have had the opportunity to provide greatly needed support to indigenous ministers in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Uganda, DRC, Nepal, Kenya and the Philippines.
Pastor A writes:
“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6
Greetings in the most beautiful & precious name of JESUS CHRIST . I am very blessed & excited to share with all of you that our team had a very blessed Christmas Outreach 2024 .Praise God , our team was able to reach new unreached , remote village and arrange very blessed , anointed , spirit filled prayer meetings and share the Good News of JESUS CHRIST .
Praise God , I am so excited to share with you that over the past 4 weeks during Christmas Outreach 2024 , Our team was able to organize 13 outreaches , over 150 decisions for CHRIST , hundreds at the altar , approximately 1500 reached with gospel . Wow , we are hearing from our pastors team local churches that several are already plugged into our local churches .
Glory to JESUS , bodies were healed , pain , hopelessness , disappointment disappeared ,some were going to get surgery , Praise God , they met with the great physician , doctor , surgeon HALLELUJAH….during the Christmas Outreach 2024 , So far .
- 1500 reached .
- 150+ altar .
- 150+ decisions .
Al overview
Pakistan has approximately 20, 000 brick kilns and in Punjab province has around 10, 394 brick kilns factories where approximately 60 billion bricks are made each year with manual labor . The brick kiln industry is notorious for its labor abuses , including low wages , child labor & bonded labor . The workers are very often deprived of basic necessities such as healthcare , education , clean water , toilet , sanitation etc….. It is reported that 1 in 20 families have a child who has lost their eyesight . Twenty percent of people working in the brick kiln have lung problems .
Praise God , Our team was able to provide much needed relief to 150 brick kiln factory workers & poor needy families with food packages and also shared the life changing story of JESUS CHRIST with bonded labor workers .
One woman who received the food package told our team in tears that for almost two months because of smog our brick kiln factory closed and you know no work means no income and no income means no food .My family and I are only able to eat one meal a day . Due to this current situation , We are unable to meet our family basic needs . Thank you so much for helping our family to have a life saving food package this Christmas .
In our target areas where our team serves , widows are an invisible part of the society , ignored , rejected and very often considered cursed , the cause of their husbands’ deaths . Praise God , Our team was able to help 50 impoverished widows in our target areas with food packages & blankets and share love of CHRIST with them .
My name is Saraiya , I am thankful to God for his divine protection and provision of food & blanket I have received through Pastor Asif and team . The food I received will definitely give me life and renew my strength . I am a sickling widow because I am lacking food and other basics . I have 5 kids, three died and one son got married and moved to another city with his wife and one daughter got married and she lives in another city with her family and I remained alone after losing my husband. I would go out to beg for food . Many people despised me and only a few could give me food . I thank God for bringing Pastor Asif and team into my life . Thank you so much for helping to have a life saving food package & blanket this Christmas .
Praise God , Our team is able to 10 Sewing Machines to empower Women & Widows .
Mumtaz is a widow who was struggling to make ends meet after her husband passed away . Praise God , this Christmas our team gave her a sewing machine which enabled her to earn a living through tailoring work .Mumtaz said when my husband passed away , I lost my only source of income .I didn’t know where to turn or how to earn a living . The first 12 months after the death of my husband were very difficult , often my kids and I went without food . I would sell whatever I have to bring in some money .When the annual school tuition for my kids came due , I was so worried that without money how could I possibly keep them in school ? When I heard that I was going to receive a sewing machine I was overjoyed . Praise God , within a few weeks I had enough tailoring work to meet my family needs . I am so happy . My sewing machine is truly a gift from God . I don’t have to worry about paying for my kids’ education , food and clothes. Praise God everyday people come to me with sewing work . So , I am very thankful for this sewing machine and for those who have given it to me. I pray for them every day . I am truly thankful for their generous gift . May God bless them richly .
We Did It .
I am thankful to all our incredible supporters , partners , family and friends who join hands with us & help us in our Christmas outreach 2024 . We are so grateful for the incredible generosity we have received . Truly we are not all this without your love , faithful prayers & support . Once again thank you so much for joining hands with us .
Here Are Our Vision & Goals For 2025:
- Reach 200,000 brothers & sisters who never heard good news of JESUS .
- Hold 5 Youth Conferences in different villages & towns .
- Hold 5 Discipleship Conferences in different villages & towns .
- Hold 3 Women Conferences in different villages & towns .
- Buy land for a training center .
- Distribute 2000 Urdu Bibles & 2000 Audio Bibles within new believers & unbelievers .
- Help 10 native pastors & missionaries to have motorcycles for mission work .
- Long term vision to establish 5000 home churches and a network of 500 pastors & church leaders .
I request you to please keep praying for us and continue supporting us to reach the nation of Pakistan in 2025.
Your Brother in Christ
Pastor A.

D.R. Congo
New Hope Bethesda
Pastor Ruboneka says:
This year 2024 has got much trouble caused by the war of M23 rebels supported by the Rwandese troops which have been active in this eastern part of the DRC. This situation has largely got a negative impact of our ministry activities . In fact people living in this part of the country are forced into a situation of poverty because Goma town is actually isolated from all the rural villages which provide food to people living in town, this situation is due to the fact that the rebels have almost occupied a large part of the villages chasing the native populations .
Here are the activities we managed to perform despite the situation described above .
Training servants of the Lord January to June . 56 pastors have attended the training , 26 Evangelists and 10 Leaders for young people .We were able to organize crusades all along this year. 40 persons have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 5 were baptized . You can see the photos attached
– 56 vulnerable children have been protected in our transit center .
Prison ministry
We have visited 6 prisons preaching the word of God to the Inmates and provided them a little help as we could have through the church collections .Some inmates have believed in the Lord, promising to leave their former bad ways of living as soon as they are out of the jails, of course, considering our financial weakness we did not reach a large number of prisons.
Planting churches
We have planted 15 churches in different rural areas and training some servants of God to look after these new churches .The ministry needs .
– Buildings needs
– Funds for evangelistic missions
– Transport , Restoration , Bibles , food for vulnerable children , school fees, clothing ,
My own needs:
– Monthly support .
– 16 pastors support because of hard living conditions
– A car or a motorcycle to help me move from one church to another, to travel long distance for Evangelization or planting churches .
– We distributed the school materials to 2330 displaced children in the camps of Buhimba and REGO
I also need your prayer for me and the support for the ministry .
Pastor Ruboneka

Fundamental Baptist Church
Pastor Joe writes:
My wife Beatrice and me, we felt that our Most High God has given us a special place in our heart and life for the orphans.
Since orphans are being left out running in the streets and villages without help, we therefore decided to bring 25 orphans into our care program under our Church program.
Since we don’t have facilities / Shelter, these 25 orphans are living in the families of our church members. Other few 6 Orphans are living with my wife and me in our house.
We set up this care program for the orphans in having a vision of focusing on responding to God’s promise in His Holy Word – Bible and pulling orphans out of hunger – Nakedness – Loneliness- Poverty – and by giving them Hope that they will never forget.
– To meet the Spiritual needs of the orphans who have lost their parents to death.
– To develop and grow in personal relationship with God.
– By setting up / establishing support system of orphans so they will have their own families in the future.
– We are focusing for their education.
– To train these orphans in living respect of God.
– To train them have a personal faith in Christ
– To teach them have an ability to apply Bible truths in their own lives.
– To teach them have ability to explain the Bible.
We are striving to meet the educational needs for these 25 orphans. We are focusing for each orphan get education and teaching life skills.
Please pray for these needs.
Yours in His Kingdom,
Pastor Joe

Remote Fishing Ministry
Pastor L. says:
Through this year of 2024 our country Bangladesh was under a civil war because of Political issues. But, God helped us all to continue our outreaching evangelism programs, soul winning, church planting and operate our Bible school. Many souls are being saved and many students are coming and learning the Bible courses in our Bible school.
We need to complete our third floor building consultation, we need to support more pastors for their salaries of the 17 Mission Churches that we planned of the last few years. We need more financial supports for our outreaching evangelism programs that need good and healthy support.
And we need your prayer supports for our country Bangladesh more and more.
Again thanks for everything and wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New year.
Brother L.

Remote Village Teachers Project
Pastor S. writes:
We have visited 20 villages to preach the gospel among the unreached indigenous tribes in the remote villages. We penetrate these villages where the gospel has never been heard before; we preach the good news to them and plant churches. In our ministry, planting churches is followed by discipleship training to make the new churches growing, mature and reproducible. We try to organize training programs or seminars each month in every new church. We also formed a church committee in every new church, women’s, youth ministry, and cell group. The church committees organized church services, fellowship, bible studies, prayers meeting, and home visit etc.
Souls saved: There are 895 people who were impacted by the gospel and 76 people have souls saved and all of them were baptized. We trained 359 leaders; made disciples 56, House churches planted 10 and one church building built.
People heal or delivered: We prayed for 123 people from various health issues, and gave counseling and others and 87 people were healed & solved the problems. We fed 21 poor families in the village.
God miraculously provided: We praise God for His miraculously providing funds for the village teachers ministry and also for a bike and computer for the use of the ministry. To God be the glory. We thank God for answering our prayers.
The needs of the ministry right now:
1. We need 5 full time ministry workers monthly support
2 One Laptop for my ministry use where I might use it for training/seminar/conferences and be able to bring it to the ministry.
3. Income generating project
4. Multipurpose mission center where we might use for leadership training/seminar/conferences/gathering and revival meetings.
Hoping to accomplish in 2025:
1. To reach the gospel at least 12 villages
2. To make new church leaders at least 58
3. To plant at least 6 house churches
4. New planted churches to be matured, self-governing, self- supporting and self-propagating
We hope and pray that God will continually bless our ministry, provide our ministry needs and God will give more fruitful ministry in 2025.
We thank you so much for your continued love and prayers.
Pastor S.