“A young girl named Barbara Ogutu, age 17 years old, and a local Pastor’s Daughter; was busy sharing the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ at the school she was attending, a group of young Muslim boys started planning to torture her through rape, when she was going back home at the evening after school. Those evil boys raped her and Barbara ended up being pregnant. She felt so confused and contact me on phone. I met her and she shared the history to me. Our ministry started supporting Barbara through spiritual counseling and physical support until she delivered the beloved baby boy. Barbara, before raped was studying to do national exams in order to qualify for a diploma course in Nursing, but she had to stop going to school as schools do not allow young pregnant girls to continue with studies. She decided to bear the pain and honor the almighty God, and the precious rights of the baby in her womb, no matter how the baby came into the world. Now she wants to go back for studies to do national exams so that she will pursue her dream of doing a diploma in nursing to support other little girls and children in her communities who face different health problems. Please Friends!! Barbara needs your prayers and support. Right now we are trusting God for Funds to pay her tuition fee. If there is anyone who can support her baby for feeding and baby clothes, will be a great blessing to Barbara and the little innocent baby boy”.
Richard Sempala, President
Africa Life Youth Foundation
Kampala, Uganda