Anita and Domingo Escobar who founded and are running this school for the very poor children in Davao del Norte, have asked us to join with them in prayer that they will be able to recover from the damage done by the flash flood. It was a totally unexpected incident because it was the first time that most of their town was flash flooded. Many lost their houses and crops. The damage at Mustard Seed consisted of water and mud damage to their school books, which they need to teach lessons to the children. Below are some pictures of the damages. One of the pictures shows Anita checking the extent of the damage to the books. Others show where they have been laying the books out in the sun to dry. Many of the books, especially those damaged by mud, are not salvageable and will need to be replaced, but they don’t have the finances to replace them. Please pray for God’s answer to this big problem. Having an education in the Philippines makes the difference between living a life of existence on the streets eating the refuse of the city and living a wholesome and productive life, able to tell others about the Gospel message that they learned at school from teachers who cared to give up their time to do the work of the Lord and love these children.
Please take a look at the pictures below. If God puts on your heart a desire to help them replace the destroyed books, please either donate online or via mail, payable to Freedom’s Hope Ministry, Inc., of which LIFE Aid Foundation is our international arm. Either way, please mark your gift for Mustard Seed in the Philippines and we’ll get that donation to them right away. God bless you and thanks for looking.
Written by Londa