2018 In Review

FHM Ministry Updates, Newsletter

We want to express our many thanks and gratitude to all of you for your most generous gifts and abundant prayers for our ministry and for us personally. 2018 was a very blessed and trying year. We experienced many challenges. However, God is still in control as He always is, and will continue to be.

On September 10th I (Michael Furman) was rushed to the hospital emergency room with acute kidney failure and a distended bladder,(due to an obstruction,)  which they had to drain nearly 4 litters out of fluid from.  The doctor at the E R said with the blood count of potassium and sodium that I had, I should have been dead—he never saw a live patient with those numbers. Together with a bladder that should have ruptured; it could only be God that preserved my life.

They then life-flighted me to a larger hospital in another city. God miraculously healed my kidneys and I was released on the 14th of September. He later healed and restored other systems of my body, some related to this condition and others not.

This is the short version of this story. Much more happened to me during this very horrible and trying time. It took several weeks to regain my strength and energy.

On the positive side, God was renewing me spiritually and brought me into a much closer relationship with Him through all this. I felt His wonderful presence and love like never before. That part was very much worth it, even though what I experienced was the most horrible time in my life physically.

God is indeed doing great and wonderful things in our lives and ministry–teaching us that we are overcomers in Him. Life is full of many challenges, but we, as believers, can be comforted that God has everything in His control. We trust in Him fully!! We can look back and see how the Lord came through for us time and time again–doing the miraculous. This has increased our trust and faith in Him exponentially. Because of this, we can have even more faith for more difficult challenges in the future. God is so good!!! He never promised us that life on this earth will be easy, but He did say, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you”. (Hebrews 13:5) We serve a mighty and loving God!!!

Regarding God’s ministry that He has entrusted to us, we once again received many reports from all over the world expressing how God did the miraculous: hundreds came to know the saving grace of our Lord Jesus, many more churches were planted, people received deliverance, several healed, and multitudes had their physical and spiritual needs met.

The following is just a small representation of what God has done this past year through His faithful servants around the world:



Remote Village Teachers Project

Hi dear Mike and Londa,

We thank God for His guiding, leading and giving us abundantly blessings and His ministry through the whole year of 2018. Although we faced many difficulties and obstructions in our ministries due to the many circumstances; God is using and helping us mightily by the power of the Holy Spirit in all our ministry activities. We thank God for giving us His abundant love and blessings for the expansion of His Kingdom. To God be the glory!!!

  1. Places me and my team visited: We (my team & me) visited 25 villages in 2018.
  2. How many souls saved: we received 101 souls and baptized all of them and built 3 church buildings, planted 9 house churches, and trained: 228 leaders.
  3. People healed or delivered: We prayed for 52 people (those who were sick, stomach pains, headaches, mentally problems, counseling etc.) and God healed 34! Praise the Lord!
  4. How God miraculously provided:  Our God is a living and Almighty God. He controls everything. We have strong faith in God and faithfully serve Him, and if we ask for His glory and ministry He always comes through. God works in the hearts of the people and He miraculously provided for the expansion of His Kingdom. Praise the Lord!!! The Lord supplied enough funds for; six teachers in six remote villages, various seminars and leadership training, and provided the needs of three families with start up capital for their weaving businesses.
  5. Need of the ministry:  More workers in another area, Key board, sound system and a set of projector and generator.
  6. Hoping to accomplish in New Year:  We are targeted 30 villages to share the gospel and at least 150 saved souls, 5 churches to be build and will be planted 10 house churches.


Pastor S.

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For more information about this ministry, click here.

For updates, click here.



Fundamental Baptist Church


God enabled us to visit some places whereby we had the above Gospel meetings.

We visited 8 places.

  • The number of souls saved whom we reached with the Gospel this past year 2018, were 560 people. But they go into their local denominations.
  • People who were delivered are 89
  • People who were healed were 66 people
  • God provided miraculously with donations from the generous giving of our church members here, whereby they donated towards 5 new sewing machines of the widows ministry and ministry too,. Each new sewing machine costs @ $ 250 USD.



Also our God had given a special place in our heart about caring orphans in order to fulfill God’s promise as it indicated in the book of (Psalms 12:5, Psalms 68: 5-6 and James 1:27). “ Pure And Undefiled Religion In The Sight Of Our God And Father Is This: To Visit Orphans And Widows In Their Distress, And To Keep Oneself Unstained By The World.” We are happy that, it is Our Mission To Serve In The Most Effective & Efficient Way Possible. By doing The Most Good, We Can Change Lives Forever! Amen…….

In our community, there are a great number of orphans that are forgotten and aborted completely. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, God reached down through His Holy Spirit and touched our life through the testimonies of the orphans around our community on how their life challenging is. Most of them, they do not go to school, no beddings, no clothing, medication when one get sick, no one cares of them.

These orphans they were walking house to house seeking food. Whereby when we reached the villages with the Gospel, the orphans gave their testimonies on about their life experience and challenges that, they each are living in distressed- depressed- neglected – poor – oppressed – poverty, hungry and not going to school. They had no hope of living again. No smile at all. Other orphans were attending in our church.

We therefore brought 25 Orphans under our care program. These orphans are currently living in the families of our church members.  We are felt that, God has touched and given us a passion to give them a loving environment than where they were before we met them. These are a wonderful expression of love and are in need of love and mercy, with their very own….. This program we registered as, COMMUNITY BASED CARE PROGRAM – { CBO }.

We are reaching out to help these hurting orphaned children in our community. These children bear the marks of loneliness and desperation. Their basic needs are being met by the contribution of our church members.

Beatrice and I, we had organized another program whereby, these 25 kids do come into our house thrice a week for their special lunch meal on every (Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sunday).



  • The purchase of 15 sewing machines for widows @ $ 250 USD total $ 3,750 USD. This is a onetime offer gift of donation.
  • Purchase of orphans beddings for 25 orphans @ $ 100 USD total of $ 2,500 USD. This is a onetime offer gift  of donation.
  • Monthly support toward the orphans and ministry @ $ 50 USD per child x 25 Kids total $ 1,250 USD per Month. This total amount it includes food, clothing, medical and schooling.
  • Permanent structure housing – shelter for the orphans. This will cost us total of $ 18,557 USD. This total is a onetime gift offer of donation.


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For more information about this ministry, click here (scroll down to bottom of page).



Mambagan Feeding Project

Becoming a Christian is the beginning of a new life, a new friendship and relationship with God the creator of the world, and it is important to know how we can draw closer in our friendship with God, and live a life that pleases him. The year 2018 was a year marked by spiritual growth among the brethren given to our care. In my personal interaction with majority of them, I saw that they learned and have the desire of spending time with God, studying and reading the Bible, and praying to Him. Studying and praying have now become a part of their everyday life. Majority of the brethren have acknowledged and understood the importance of meeting with other Christians to share and encourage one another in the Christian life, to receive teaching in a formal way in order to grow. They are now sharing their faith and experience of God, with those who don’t know Him.  They testified that witnessing gave them the opportunity to consolidate what they know of God, and helps them to reaffirm why it was that they became a Christian in the first place, and gave them the opportunity to glorify God, by telling someone else their testimony or how God has helped them. They saw God’s hand in their constant supply of food despite their meager incomes and rising cost of goods. They saw His hand in giving good health to their children. They witness the healing of one suffering from asthma, stomach ache gone instantly and fever gone as we prayed. They saw better family relations within the home despite their economic flight.  In 2019 we will pray for an increase in resources to purchase a new motorcycle to replace our current Honda XRM 125. We need 100,000 pesos to purchase a Yamaha Aerox 155. This a necessity as we need a bigger engine to reach more area and comfort in taking long distance driving. In the year 2018, we initially went as far as Talakag Bukidnon province, but financial considerations and the motorcycle condition deter us from consistently going there. Talakag Ministry area is 55 kilometers away from our Ministry base. We pray for an increase in provisions as God open the door for us.

Pray that God will open more opportunities for us to spread the God news of His salvation in Christ.

Brother Rupert

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For more information regarding Rupert’s ministry, click here.


Christian Fellowship Churches of the Philippines

Blessed New Years Greetings.  May God give you a very bountiful and blessed new year in serving Him!

The past months of 2018 have been productive and fruitful and we are happy to see how the Lord is moving in His people everywhere.  It is encouraging to face the New Year with confidence that what the Lord did last year, He will continue to do this year for the growth of His work.  We are all fully committed to bring the Gospel, plant churches and train pastors!

We had a nice revival in Guihulngan and surrounding villages this past month and it was so good to experience it with all God’s people.  I attach a few photos of the different places where we had special “Thanksgiving” services!  All the Christian Fellowship Churches celebrate the year end with special services, food and fellowship.

We look now for a great new year with expansion in different places.  Two of our recent Bible school graduates are pioneering a new church in the town of Salug, in Zamboanga del Norte.  They just started this month of January.  Please pray for a harvest of souls there!

God bless you for your love for missions and your faithfulness in prayer for all the workers here!  God is Great in our lives!

In Christ,

Sis June Pacleb

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Furman Foundation School


The year 2018 was for me a year of grace. As a matter of fact, attention was basically focused on praying about my condition, trusting and believing God for His healing mercies. I did not spend much time on the mission field though I supported some outreaches in specific villages in Ghana financially. This year, I hope to be very active and fully obey the “go ye” command, knowing very well that He has healed me (I am alive) and will heal me. Amen. Please continue to pray for my healing. Actually, there has been a strengthening of faith as I have learned to depend entirely on Him. You sent an amount of GHC 700 and the idea was to use it to purchase a piece of land in a village somewhere that can be utilized for the good of the school. There has been a case of misappropriation on the part of the man who was supposed to pay on our behalf. He has been duly made aware that the fund was intended for missionary purposes and the ramifications. I am working to retrieve it and commit it to the school’s development. And so for a report, I will just like to focus on the school, i.e. The Furman Foundation School (FFS) in Afrancho, Kumasi. As of now, the school has at least 140 students. We have nursery and Kindergarten sections and grades 1 to 5. There are currently eight teachers and a cook at the school. There has been an addition of one class and two are at an advanced stage of completion. Fundraising by different international volunteers was what enabled all these to be completed. Fundraising is still continuing for purposes of helping with the provision of standard facilities. Following are some pictures depicting the current state of FFS.


Founder / Director of Furman Foundation School

For more information regarding Furman Foundation School, click here.